Proactive federal government relations, policy analysis, and ally development
James Callan Associates LLC has been serving clients since 2011, by working collaboratively and successfully with associations, businesses, U.S. government officials, and embassies in Washington, DC. Clients include associations and corporations. The firm has navigated some of the most difficult challenges in agriculture policy, leading to regulatory and legislative improvements (noted below). Founder/CEO James "Jim" Callan (in photo) is a member of at least 15 coalitions, groups, and committees covering a wide range of major U.S. farm policy areas, creating policy and participation opportunities for his clients in Washington, DC. In 2024, 2023, and 2022, Callan was named a "Top Lobbyist" by The Hill, the leading on-line publication nationally for policy, politics, elections, and campaigns.
- James Callan Associates LLC, is a U.S. government relations, coalition building, and public policy firm achieving results for clients in agricultural biotechnology, crop protection, federal crop insurance, the Farm Bill, federal appropriations, the environment, climate, conservation, federal budgetary matters, taxation, international trade, and food regulation by proactively working with Members of Congress, congressional staff, and executive branch officials.
- Company Founder/CEO Jim Callan works on legislative and regulatory initiatives, several of which have been enacted into law or into new regulations benefiting an array of agriculture organizations, agribusinesses, and food companies as well as producers and consumers. He interacts with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on trade, crop insurance, plant protection, and biotechnology, with the U.S, Environmental Protection Agency on pesticide issues, and with the U.S. Trade Representative's office, foreign embassies located in DC, and food and ag leaders on trade and agriculture. He has long experience working with White House officials on several of the above issues, bringing together diverse interests.
- Callan participates in the U.S. Food and Ag Dialogue for Trade, including the U.S.-Japan Free Trade Agreement Working Group, with the Washington Ag Roundtable, the Ag Transportation Coalition, Crop Insurance Coalition, CropLife America's Food & Beverage Committee and Federal Affairs Committee, the Ag Workforce Coalition, the Tax Aggie Coalition, the Food and Agriculture Climate Coalition, and Rural Investment to Protect our Environment, among others. Callan also has helped clients obtain federal funding. His growing influence in DC is reflected in the policy leaders with whom he meets (see Gallery page) and in his involvement with top-tier coalitions.
- For his work in 2024, Callan was recognized in December by The Hill as a "Top Lobbyist." This is the 3rd consecutive year Callan was so honored.
- From November 18 to 21, 2024 Callan participated for two of his clients in Hill meetings held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Midwest Council on Agriculture. The group is increasingly known for its ability to work across the aisle in both the House and Senate on major ag policy issues, including the Farm Bill, federal crop insurance, reference prices, ag workforce, and biofuels. Callan advised his clients to join and subsequently maintain their memberships in MWCA, which has paid dividends through enhanced visibility and influence.
- The organization has afforded Callan opportunites to interact with Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and the next Chairman John Boozman (R-AR), along with other leading Ag Committee members of Congress, including House Agriculture Committee Chairman GT Thompson (R-PA), Congressman Dusty Johnson (R-SD), and Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN). These meetings, in which Callan has played a leadership role, have enabled the group to lobby for crop insurance and farm programs.
- In November, Callan also participated in meetings with congressional leadership, including the offices of Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN), and Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY).
- On September 14, he traveled to San Diego to attend the annual meeting Sept. 15 to 18, of CropLife America, which is the organization representing crop protection companies in the United States. Over four days he attended meetings and had a seat at the table on behalf of his client the North Dakota Grain Growers Association, as discussions and networking focused on EPA product approval challenges under the Endangered Species Act. Separately, after returning from the above four-day business trip to San Diego, Callan had to move quickly and help one of his clients finish drafting comments to EPA, which he subsequently submitted through, on the Draft Insecticide Strategy. This approach will have enormous impacts on U.S. agriculture affecting how farmers both treat their crops and manage their farms, and on their overall crop protection efforts. The comments to EPA made key points on limiting buffer zones and encouraged more mitigation efforts to be included in EPA’s Insecticide Strategy. Callan also arranged for several clients to sign a multi-group letter developed by major national organizations that was like the comments he helped to draft. Thinking strategically, Callan believes such efforts have a multiplying effect and ensure continued opportunities for his clients to participate in major policy initiatives.
- His work during the week of September 9, 2024, alone highlighted the many areas where Callan demonstrates leadership and initiative-taking advocacy for his clients. That week encapsulated much of his recent efforts, as he participated in the following for his clientsA) A Farm Foundation Forum on September 9 highlighting the agriculture platforms of the two presidential campaigns. Callan asked a question of both speakers – former Biden Administration official Rod Snyder and former Trump Administration official Kip Tom – whether their candidate supports Sen. Hoeven’s federal crop insurance bill to encourage higher levels of coverage. Callan speaks with authority on crop insurance since he helped lead the program, from 2003 to 2009. Following are highlights:
- A) A reception hosted by the National Farmers Union on September 9. B) A presentation on September 10 by the Chief Economist for the Senate Agriculture Committee Republicans. C) A presentation by Callan on September 10 to the Board of Directors of the North Dakota Grains Growers Association. North Dakota is the largest state producer of wheat and number two in barley. D) Bipartisan House and Senate meetings sponsored by Growth Energy, September 11 to 12, focusing on ethanol as a solution to lower gas prices and improvements in the environment. E) A lunch held for Callan by the Ag Counselor of the Embassy of Japan on September 11. F) Conversations with clients about the importance of a new Farm Bill during that week. H) Discussions with the Midwest Council on Agriculture on September 10. I) A radio interview on “Corn Talk” 890 AM Fargo on September 13 summarizing his work.
- At the Midwest Council, Callan was assigned by two of his clients to participate in the group’s Crop Insurance Task Force, chaired by a crop insurance industry executive whom Callan has known since his service at the Risk Management Agency (RMA) of USDA, from 2003 to 2009 as a presidential appointee. RMA regulates and reinsures what is the largest crop insurance program worldwide, covering 540 million acres with an insured liability of 270 billion dollars. The Task Force met several times, developing potential legislative proposals that culminated in the “Farmer Act of 2024,” S. 4081 introduced on April 9, 2024 , by Senator John Hoeven (R-ND), a key member of the Senate Ag Committee and Ranking member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture. Hoeven will become the next chairman of this important Subcommittee. On-going efforts are underway to incorporate the legislation into a new Farm Bill. This will require bipartisan support and a strong push from supporters of the legislation. Callan is leading the communications for his groups. The bill is supported by well-known national farms groups such as the American Farm Bureau Federation, American Sugarbeet Growers Association, American Soybean Association, National Corn Growers Association, National Cotton Council, U.S. Durum Growers Association, along with state groups including Minnesota Corn Growers Association, North Dakota Corn Growers Association, and North Dakota Grain Growers Association. Several of these are Callan’s clients. The measure would benefit farmers, whether in North Dakota, Iowa, or Texas and is less costly than efforts to increase reference prices. This makes it a more workable program within the confines of ag budget challenges in Congress. Plus, it may reduce the need for ad hoc disaster assistance going forward, long a goal of Congress, potentially paying for most if not all its cost
- Overall, he has secured and partcipated in dozens of meetings with Members of Congress and staff to discuss federal ag policy and more, specifically the 2024 Farm Bill, crop insurance, commodity programs, ethanol, pesticides, trade, conservation, and the ag workforce. He organized fly-ins for barley, corn, and wheat interests, working with multiple states. In his work with the Midwest Council on Agriculture, he also participated in its successful March 20 to 22 fly-in and met with Senate and House Ag Democrat and Republican members and staff, including House Ag Committe Chairman Glenn Thompson (R-PA) and senior staff to Senate Ag Commitee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), and Senator John Hoeven (R-ND), and Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND). Callan also organized meetings with senior EPA officials to discuss a range of issues. Callan has presented his clients with numerous opportunities to co-sign letters offer comment to Congress, EPA, and USDA. These include:
- • Comments to EPA by national and state groups in September on the agency’s Draft Insecticide Strategy • Support for a new Farm Bill in a September letter sent to the top leaders in Congress • An October letter to the four agriculture leaders in Congress protect the responsible use of pesticides from misinformation • Letter to EPA in support of Drift Reduction Adjuvants being added to the list of mitigation tools for new regulatory requirements
- During 2024, Callan appeared on several radio programs to provide updates on current agriculture legislation, especially the Farm Bill:
- 1) November 7, 2024 – Interview with Sarah Henrich of KFGO 790 interviewed me on the Farm Bill and the implications of the elections, and the likely agenda for the lame duck session 2) November 4, 2024 – Interview with Program Director Erick Johnson of Ag 890 (Fargo, ND) on the agenda facing Congress during the upcoming lame duck session. 3) October 28, 2024 – Interview with Red River Farm Network’s (RRFN) ag reporter Melissa Hammer on key ag issues before Congress in the lame duck session after the elections. 4) September 26, 2024 – Interview with Melissa Hammer of RRFN to discuss the Farm Bill and potential for a new measure during a 2024 Lame Duck congressional session. 5) September 13, 2024 – Ag Talk 890 AM (Fargo, ND). Interviewed by Program Director Erick Johnson and provided an update on the ag platforms of the two presidential campaigns, Hill meetings on biofuels and tax provisions under the Inflation Reduction Act, and the status of a new Farm Bill. 6) June 11, 2024 – Interview with Red River Farm Network’s President Don Wick on the sidelines of Midwest Council on Agriculture’s meeting in Moorhead, MN. 7) June 10, 2024 – After a Farm Bill update that he presented at North Dakota State University in front of an audience that included the university president and the North Dakota state Ag Commissioner, Callan was interviewed by Farm and Ranch Director Sarah Heinrich of AM 790 KFGO Fargo about Farm Bill timing, benefits to North Dakota corn and U.S. agriculture, and funding challenges. 8) May 30, 2024 – He was interviewed on AM KFGO 790 by Sarah Heinrich and discussed the status of the Farm Bill, focusing on the House bill, and provided an update on what may happen next in the Senate.
- Callan also helped draft and submit comments to EPA on its "Advanced Notice of Public Rulemaking" on seeds treated with pesticides. The comments note the challenges already endemic with pesticide approvals, which are based on rigorous scientific review by U.S. regulatory authorities, and indicating no additional benefits from double, if not triple regulation. Link to comments:
- He participated with the American Coalition for Ethanol in its 2024 congressional fly-in, promoting the benefits of E15 to the economy, consumers, and the environment. The Coalition organized numerous Hill events, including with Senator Deb Fischer (NE), who is the author of bipartisan year-round E15, legislation. S. 785. The meetings also touted the importance of American ethanol in meeting targets for Sustainable Aviation Fuel.
- Callan worked with the National Barley Growers by joining meetings with key members of Congress to encourage enactment of a new Farm Bill that both protects and strengethens federal crop inusrance and improves market-based programs for producers. The meetings enabled growers to build alliances and lobby for new federal crop insurance legislation aimed at increasing coverage.
- During 2024, Callan’s efforts for his clients enabled him to work with the investment banking community. He develops and delivers policy presentations on the Farm Bill and crop insurance, since those have implications for financial investments. Callan has hosted three webinars, including two on crop insurance and one on the Farm Bill. A fourth is in the works.
- In 2024 (like in 2023), he worked with the Senate Agriculture Committee and Senate appropriators and submitted requests on behalf of clients for funding increases in the U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative, which he has successfully helped to secure increases for in the past working with the Senate. The request again in 2024 is to increase funding from its current level of $15 million per year to $20 million per year. The research is critical in helping identify and combat diseases detrimental to wheat crops.
- Throughout 2023, Callan arranged numerous meetings with elected officials, senior government agency staff in the Biden Administration, and the Embassy of Canada for his ag clients, including 12 meetings for one client over two days. As a result of Callan’s work, the organization has become uniquely positioned in Washington, DC, often co-signing joint letters that previously were only for national groups on subjects such as ag shipping, the Farm Bill, crop insurance, and regulations and legislation governing pesticides, seeds, and herbicides. He helped a client in 2023 host officials from EPA headquarters on an “E-Tour” in western North Dakota, resulting in farm visits, direct equipment experiences, and information exchanges. These efforts improve regulators’ practical understanding of crop protection technologies and the unique topography and growing conditions in that part of the country. The officials have opportunities to immerse themselves in modern agriculture and ask questions. He also helped to host a similar program in eastern ND, in 2022. Besides meetings with elected and policy officials, Callan also drafted and submitted comments that year to USDA’s Risk Management Agency on the critical issue of Prevented Planting under the Federal crop insurance program. His northern U.S. clients representing barley, corn, wheat, and durum are particularly vulnerable to changes in weather and short growing seasons. As a result, the agency invited interested parties to make suggestions and Callan rallied three clients to the cause, submitting comprehensive comments in a timely fashion on their behalf. Here is a link to those comments and his submission to the Federal Register on August 18: Soon after, he then began drafting comments on quite a different subject yet equally important to his client, focusing on the development of a detailed brief to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the agency’s Draft Herbicide Strategy. Link to comments submitted on October 20: Before those comments, he drafted and submitted a request to EPA to extend the comment period, given the length and complexity of the Strategy. EPA agreed to a 30-day extension. Callan cc’d members of the North Dakota congressional delegation, including Senator John Hoeven (R-ND), a member of the Agriculture Committee and the Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture. Link to the request submitted on September 1: In late 2023, Callan participated in the Annual Meeting in Kansas City of the Midwest Council on Agriculture (MWCA), after having been appointed to the group’s Crop Insurance Task Force for two of his clients that are MWCA members. MWCA is chaired by former Congressman and former chairman of the House Agriculture Committee Collin Peterson (D-MN). Board and Task Force members collaborated with Senator Hoeven, and contacted Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), and Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) attempting to secure a bipartisan Farm Bill marker measure that would enhance the Federal crop insurance program. It already has obtained bipartisan attention among agriculture staff on both sides of the Capitol. These efforts strengthen Callan's ability to represent his clients.
- Throughout 2023, he participated in numerous industry coalitions and organizations advocating on behalf of his clients. Through Callan his clients joined the following entities to advance their lobbying efforts: Federal Affairs Committee and Food & Beverage Committee of CropLife America, the Crop Insurance Industry Coalition, the Ag Transportation Coalition, the Ag Workforce Coalition, Food and Agriculture Climate Alliance, Pesticide Policy Coalition, the DC Tax Aggies Coalition, andU.S. Food and Ag Dialogue for Trade.
- He helped a client obtain approval from the European Union for the use of the fumigant Sulfuryl Fluoride (SF) on U.S. logs before they are exported. SF is a replacement for Methyl Bromide (MB) and unlike MB does not deplete the ozone layer. The work was the culmination of a three-year campaign that involved working closely with the Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service of USDA, Congress, and EPA.
- Overall, Callan's efforts in 2023 significantly raised the visibility of his clients and ensured that small to mid-sized organizations could meet with key staff to advance policy initiatives thoughtfully and successfully. These meetings help his clients with the Farm Bill in 2023 and beyond. In September and October 2023, Callan was interviewed by agriculture networks and radio stations interested in his views on the 2023 Farm Bill and developments in Congress. He advanced client positions by reporting on key priorities in the Farm Bill, government funding, and the Speaker’s race. 2023 Media Mentions and Interviews:
- In December 2023, Callan was named a "Top Lobbyist" by The Hill for the second consectuive year. The article notes, "These impactful lobbyists stand out for the results they delivered for their clients, companies, trade associations, and advocacy groups in the nation's capital." Callan was recognized under the category of "Hired Guns." In the following interviews, Callan provided updates on the Farm Bill, appropriations, and the House Speaker race: On October 20, Interview with Cierra Docktor, Red River Farm Network (RRFN), that was published here: On October 6, Interviewed by Sarah Heinrich, farm and ranch director, Growing Harvest Ag Network, AM 790KFGO. On October 2, Interviewed by Erick Johnson, program director at AgNews AM890. 10-02-23 – North Dakota Corn Growers Lobbyist James Callan Shares his thoughts on the Farm Bill. | On September 25, Interviewed by Farm & Ranch Director Sarah Heinrich on status of the 2023 Farm Bill. On September 18 - Interview on Farm Bill timing and key issues. ND Corn podcast – AM 890
- In 2022, Callan was named a "Top Lobbyist" by The Hill, which is the "political web site read by The White House and more lawmakers than any other site - vital for policy, politics, and election campaigns." Callan is under "Hired Guns:" • James Callan, James Callan Associates During 2022, Callan worked with clients on numerous ag and food issues, interacting with the Administration and Congress, and maintaining his existing connections. Current activities include the agriculture transportation shipping challenges, the multi-billion dollar Emergency Relief Program authorized by Congress and administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, new federal crop insurance revenue products, crop protection challenges before the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, i.e., registration reviews and approvals, trade issues with China, the European Union, and Mexico, potential tax changes on small businesses, i.e., stepped up basis, as well as conservation and climate policy, including the recently enacted Growing Climate Solutions Act, biofuels, and the H-2A immigration program for Temporary Agricultural Workers The following are examples of Callan's previous major work and the direct results he helped to obtain working for and with clients, alliances, and government officials:
- Legislation & Regulation: 2022: A New Revenue Insurance Program for Oats. Working with agricultural leaders in the Upper Midwest, Callan met with and provided information to USDA's Risk Management Agency, which manages the Federal Crop Insurance program, helping lead to the development of a new revenue policy. The policy will use the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's Soft Red Winter Wheat Futures to establish the insurance guarantee for oat producers. The revenue approach will better reflect market conditions, and will take effect in the 2023 Crop Year. 2022: Ocean Shipping Reform Act (OSRA) was approved on strong bipartisan votes in the Senate and House and signed into law by President Biden in June 2022, and would increase the authority of the Federal Maritime Commission to promote the growth and development of U.S. exports through improvements in ocean transporation systems. Callan is active on behalf of a client in the Ag Transportation Coalition, whose work was instrumental in OSRA's enactment. 2022: Emergency Relief Program (ERP) Implementation and USDA payments began in May 2022 totalling some $6 billion to producers impacted by excess moisture, drought, and severe weather events qualifying as natural disasters in 2020 and 2021, after successful efforts by Members of Congress, third-party groups, and businesses. Callan's persistent work with officials in Washington, DC and North Dakota, one of the most affected states which will receive nearly $1 billion, helped secure momentum for ERP. He worked on subsequent fixes to ensure payments for producers who claimed Prevented Planting in 2020. 2021: Separate Enterprise Units for Spring Wheat and Durum Crop Insurance Policies was established by the USDA's Risk Management Agency beginning in the 2022 Crop Year, after a multi-year effort in which Callan was actively involved. Efforts included providing crop experience information to the agency demonstrating the benefits of separating enterprise units both to producers and the federal government.
- 2020 - Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) was signed into law by President Trump in March 2020. Callan represented several clients before Congress and the Administration, securing relief funds for spring wheat and durum growers as part of the $23 billion for agriculture. In December 2020, he similarly worked with the Congress and USDA to obtain a $20 per acre payment to row crop producers. These payments are meant partially to compensate growers for losses directly resulting from the pandemic.
- 2019 - Pesticide Registration Improvement Act (PRIA): Callan participated and worked with major corporate and ag association federal government relations representatives on a two-year campaign to achieve passage and enactment of the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act (PRIA), which crop technology companies rely on for the licensing and registration of their products through EPA and to which they pay substantial user fees. As time was running out on a bipartisan deal, Callan helped secure passage through personal outreach to key Senators. PRIA was passed by Congress and signed into law by the President in March 2019.
- 2018 Farm Bill: On behalf of several clients, Callan worked with producer organizations and agriculture businesses in securing several provisions in the 2018 Farm Bill ("Agriculture Improvement Act") passed by both houses of Congress and signed into law by President Trump in December 2018. Among them: guaranteeing that USDA uses Risk Management Agency (RMA) data first in its calculations of potential payments to producers under the Agricultural Risk Coverage program, which would ensure use of the best available acreage data to evaluate potential payments; provisions for USDA to address concerns over conservation determinations of minimally impacted acreage that unduly penalize producers; requiring RMA to use previous reimbursement standards to improve incentives for creating new crop insurance tools; higher loan guarantees for producers; funding for USDA's Market Access and Foreign Market Development programs important to American agriculture sales abroad; funding for critical research on the U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative; and language ensuring coordination for endangered species evaluations in crop protection reviews among White House offices, USDA, EPA, and the U.S. Department of Commerce.
- Regulatory Reset: Working with a broad coalition of U.S. agriculture, crop protection, and pest management users, Callan worked more than 5 years (2014 to 2019) assisting nearly 60 agriculture and food organizations in its communications with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and federal courts on an essential insecticide used on 50 crops in nearly 100 countries, including numerous uses in the United States. These include a variety of nutritious crops, commodities, and staples vital to consumers - ranging from apples, almonds, cherries, and oranges to corn, cotton, soybeans, wheat, and forests. Of further note, he has managed other coalitions throughout his career including on the 2014 Farm Bill resulting in successful inclusion of provisions on crop insurance and a fumigation chemistry important to ag, food, and forestry (noted five paragraphs below).
- Enacted: On behalf of a client, Callan participated in approximately 100 meetings with Members of Congress and congressional staff during a 19-month period from January 2015 to mid-July 2016, leading to enactment of uniform biotech food labeling legislation. On July 29, 2016, President Obama signed into law The Biotech Labeling Solutions Act of 2016. This followed months of intensive negotiations in Congress, especially between Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow (D-MI). With feedback from the Coalition for Safe Affordable Food, the two Senators developed legislation to address concerns over a patchwork of state labeling laws detrimental to agricultural technology, producers and consumers. The resulting compromise bill, S. 2609, passed the Senate, 63-30 on July 8, 2016 and the House, 306 to 117 on July 14, 2016 with significant bipartisan support. The measure requires USDA to create a mandatory federal system for labeling foods containing biotechnology-based ingredients and preempt state laws, while providing marketplace certainty and continued availability of food products across state lines. The measure superseded a House bill passed in July 2015, which also was approved on a bipartisan vote, with that bill's key difference being it would have established a voluntary labeling program.
- Major U.S. federal agencies (noted below) along with the National Academy of Sciences and the World Health Organization agree that biotech-based foods and ingredients are safe for human consumption. These technologies have significantly improved crop yields for food, fiber, fuel and everyday uses within a sustainable framework. Further, the potential for growing crops in drought stricken regions and fighting blindness from nutrition deficiencies are among the many biotechnology benefits on the horizon.
- The federal law was in response to a misguided Vermont state law that threatened the nation's food supply and was expected to increase consumer costs. The Act also would require USDA to develop, in coordination with other federal agencies, a science-based education and outreach effort for consumers and a mandatory report to Congress on the availability of information. More than 1100 food, agriculture and agri-business companies and organizations wrote the Congress in support of the legislation, representing a wide and diverse cross section of U.S. businesses and agricultural companies, farmers, food providers, lenders, processors, retailers and technology developers.
- Enacted: On May 20, 2016 President Obama signed into law the bipartisan Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB), sponsored by House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX-8) and co-sponsored by 61 House Republicans and Democrats, granting tariff relief to U.S. companies importing non-controversial components that aid in American manufacturing and increase business competitiveness: These inputs are non-controversial if they are not produced in the United States. Since MTB's expiration in 2012 the tax increases on U.S. businesses have been pegged at $748 million with an estimated loss to the economy of $1.857 billion, according to a study by the National Association of Manufacturers. The bill, H.R. 4923, the American Manufacturing Competitiveness Act of 2016, passed the U.S. House on April 27, 2016 by a vote of 415 to 2, while the Senate passed the measure on May 10, 2016, by unanimous consent. Callan assisted a client in communicating with House and Senate offices.
- Enacted: An amendment that Callan helped secure in the 2014 Farm Bill, enacted on February 7, 2014, would protect the food supply from pests. The amendment, supported by the Sulfuryl Fluoride Agricultural Coalition -- a diverse group of major agriculture and food organizations -- and that was drafted by EPA with wide bipartisan congressional support, was included in the new Farm Bill after a three-year campaign Callan helped lead and manage. Sulfuryl flouride (SF) protects a wide range of agricultural products and stored food throughout the United States, including cocoa, corn, rice, various milled grains, dry foods, prunes, almonds, walnuts, pasta, peanuts, and cotton seed used for a variety of purposes including livestock feed. The fumigant was recognized with a Stratospheric Ozone Award from EPA, yet the agency proposed removing the chemistry for uses because of lawsuit threats from anti-fluoride groups. The amendment would preserve SF, thereby protecting our food supply and consumers.
- Enacted: Callan also successfully led a nearly three-year effort working with corn grower groups on a crop insurance amendment included in the 2014 Farm Bill that will ensure producers with unmarketable, low-test weight corn damaged by cold weather will have their crop adjusted to market conditions. It would also help maintain program integrity, and is similar to a proposal previously made by the USDA's Office of Inspector General. He worked closely with corn leaders, Congress, and the Risk Management Agency. Management Agency.
- Federal Funding: In Fiscal Year 2015, Callan's efforts led to federal funding for a client's biodiesel project working with USDA's Rural Development Agency. During Fiscal Year 2014, he organized efforts leading to the successful funding of a risk management education partnership with USDA's Risk Management Agency, focusing on farm-level management for growers in the northern plains of the United States. Regulatory Approval: In 2014 and subsequent years, Callan's work helped secure major corn and soybean seed product approvals in agricultural biotechnology and their accompanying herbicides, following a comprehensive multi-year effort working successfully with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). To find out more details on any of the above, please contact Mr. Callan directly.
- Media Interviews:
- • Callan interview on June 18, 2020, with Carah Hart of Red River Valley Network’s "Agriculture Today" discussing future congressional action on U.S. agriculture funding. Interview begins at 8:50:
- • Interview on June 8, 2020, with Mick Kjar of Ag Central Radio Network, located in Fargo, ND, on some of the latest happenings in Washington, DC regarding federal agriculture policy:
- • Callan, who formerly managed a national crop protection association, was interviewed by Pest Control Technology Online on the "vital food and agricultural fumigant, sulfuryl fluoride," during the National Pest Management Association's Legislative Day involving Members of Congress. Interview:
- • As the Washington, D.C. government relations consultant with the most federal experience in federal crop insurance, a program he previously helped to lead, Callan discussed revenue insurance and the Farm Bill in a farm broadcast television interview: "Provisions in the stalled Farm Bill would have provided farmers and ranchers more security through revised crop insurance programs."
- Presentations & Published Articles:
- • Callan regularly presents to Boards of Directors of various agriculture groups and coalitions, providing updates on congressional and administration policymaking and new information on developments affecting ag and food, especially during 2018 to 2022.
- • Callan has presented to a range of audiences. He spoke to to 400 producers in Fargo, ND on "Farm Legislation In An Election Year." He presented to 2,000 officials in Tokyo, Japan, and some 700 officials in Madrid, Spain. He has met with EU officials in Brussels, Belgium, and visits often with ag attaches from various embassies in Washington, DC. • For the World Bank AgriFin publication, Callan authored a piece on the federal crop insurance program in the context of the Farm Bill and the program's overall operations and costs:
- Background: James Callan Associates LLC represents corporations and associations before Congress and the Administration, consults with investment management firms on federal policies, and manages outreach and contacts with the U.S. government. Interacting with a wide network of Washington, DC policy and business officials, Callan's firm analyzes current and expected legislation, builds and manages coalitions, identifies and reports on trends, brings clients and their priorities before policymakers, and develops creative and straightforward ways to achieve client goals.
- Approaches: Navigating complicated programs and knowing who to contact can be a challenge along with getting your voice heard before decision makers. Working closely with clients James Callan Associates LLC identifies and implements strategic approaches to amplify your voice in Washington by reaching the important decision makers in a timely fashion on Capitol Hill, in federal agencies, and in the Administration. The firm works closely with coalitions and third parties, conducts detailed analysis, and provides reports that you can use with your members, customers, and boards in building and strengthening your own relationships.
- Clients include: Corporations and associations, and investment management companies. For further information, contact Callan directly.